A small dog really needs foster care or a home. A week before the baby was born, the owner gave him to the builders to chain him. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

A small dog really needs foster care or a home. A week before the baby was born, the owner gave him to the builders to chain him. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, Dog, In good hands, Saint Petersburg, No rating, Video, Longpost
A small dog really needs foster care or a home. A week before the baby was born, the owner gave him to the builders to chain him. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, Dog, In good hands, Saint Petersburg, No rating, Video, Longpost
A small dog really needs foster care or a home. A week before the baby was born, the owner gave him to the builders to chain him. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, Dog, In good hands, Saint Petersburg, No rating, Video, Longpost
A small dog really needs foster care or a home. A week before the baby was born, the owner gave him to the builders to chain him. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, Dog, In good hands, Saint Petersburg, No rating, Video, Longpost
