Do you want to look the traitors in the eyes? (In Chelyabinsk, a brother and sister threw out their dogs in an industrial zone)

Do you want to look the traitors in the eyes? (In Chelyabinsk, a brother and sister threw out their dogs in an industrial zone) - Dog, Betrayal, Video, Longpost, Chelyabinsk, Mat, No rating
Do you want to look the traitors in the eyes? (In Chelyabinsk, a brother and sister threw out their dogs in an industrial zone) - Dog, Betrayal, Video, Longpost, Chelyabinsk, Mat, No rating
Do you want to look the traitors in the eyes? (In Chelyabinsk, a brother and sister threw out their dogs in an industrial zone) - Dog, Betrayal, Video, Longpost, Chelyabinsk, Mat, No rating
