Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning

Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning - My, Needlework with process, Skiing, Ski slope, Helmet, Collective farm tuning, Customization, With your own hands, Brush, crazy hands, Ochumasters, Tuning, Longpost
Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning - My, Needlework with process, Skiing, Ski slope, Helmet, Collective farm tuning, Customization, With your own hands, Brush, crazy hands, Ochumasters, Tuning, Longpost
Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning - My, Needlework with process, Skiing, Ski slope, Helmet, Collective farm tuning, Customization, With your own hands, Brush, crazy hands, Ochumasters, Tuning, Longpost
Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning - My, Needlework with process, Skiing, Ski slope, Helmet, Collective farm tuning, Customization, With your own hands, Brush, crazy hands, Ochumasters, Tuning, Longpost
Are there any skiers here? :) In such a helmet, a wife or child is much more visible on the slope. Easy helmet tuning - My, Needlework with process, Skiing, Ski slope, Helmet, Collective farm tuning, Customization, With your own hands, Brush, crazy hands, Ochumasters, Tuning, Longpost
