"Golden collection" of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared

Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
Golden collection of stories from the life of Aver174. Story twelve. The day my dad disappeared - My, Life stories, Chekist, Siloviki, Longpost
