About the shooting of Archie the Husky and the farmer's 50 geese

About the shooting of Archie the Husky and the farmer's 50 geese - My, Husky, Archie, Chelyabinsk, Negative, Video, Longpost
About the shooting of Archie the Husky and the farmer's 50 geese - My, Husky, Archie, Chelyabinsk, Negative, Video, Longpost
About the shooting of Archie the Husky and the farmer's 50 geese - My, Husky, Archie, Chelyabinsk, Negative, Video, Longpost
About the shooting of Archie the Husky and the farmer's 50 geese - My, Husky, Archie, Chelyabinsk, Negative, Video, Longpost
