Aqua for 10 liters with a cockerel and zebrafish. Please tell me if everything is done correctly here? What is superfluous, what is not

Aqua for 10 liters with a cockerel and zebrafish. Please tell me if everything is done correctly here? What is superfluous, what is not - My, Aquarium, Aquarium fish, Registration, Longpost
Aqua for 10 liters with a cockerel and zebrafish. Please tell me if everything is done correctly here? What is superfluous, what is not - My, Aquarium, Aquarium fish, Registration, Longpost
Aqua for 10 liters with a cockerel and zebrafish. Please tell me if everything is done correctly here? What is superfluous, what is not - My, Aquarium, Aquarium fish, Registration, Longpost
Aqua for 10 liters with a cockerel and zebrafish. Please tell me if everything is done correctly here? What is superfluous, what is not - My, Aquarium, Aquarium fish, Registration, Longpost
