The State Duma asked to check the incident with the detention of a Muscovite at the Patriarch's

The State Duma asked to check the incident with the detention of a Muscovite at the Patriarch's - Moscow, Patriarchal Ponds, Detention, Coronavirus, Self-isolation, State Duma, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Media and press, Video, Longpost
The State Duma asked to check the incident with the detention of a Muscovite at the Patriarch's - Moscow, Patriarchal Ponds, Detention, Coronavirus, Self-isolation, State Duma, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Media and press, Video, Longpost
The State Duma asked to check the incident with the detention of a Muscovite at the Patriarch's - Moscow, Patriarchal Ponds, Detention, Coronavirus, Self-isolation, State Duma, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Media and press, Video, Longpost
