Reply to the post “IKEA dumps construction waste near the lake and thinks it’s the right thing to do”

Reply to the post “IKEA dumps construction waste near the lake and thinks it’s the right thing to do” - Nature, IKEA, Ecology, Garbage, Saint Petersburg, Dump, Negative, Pure Man's League, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “IKEA dumps construction waste near the lake and thinks it’s the right thing to do” - Nature, IKEA, Ecology, Garbage, Saint Petersburg, Dump, Negative, Pure Man's League, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “IKEA dumps construction waste near the lake and thinks it’s the right thing to do” - Nature, IKEA, Ecology, Garbage, Saint Petersburg, Dump, Negative, Pure Man's League, Reply to post, Longpost
