Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened?

Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
Has everyone seen the famous photo with a passenger train? What really happened? - Longpost, Crash, Railway, France, Paris, A train, Crash
