Magnitogorsk memories of the past, Malyutka. Hockey club Metallurg origins

Magnitogorsk memories of the past, Malyutka. Hockey club Metallurg origins - Metallurgist, Hockey, Past, Magnitogorsk, Memories, Sport, archive, People, Longpost
Magnitogorsk memories of the past, Malyutka. Hockey club Metallurg origins - Metallurgist, Hockey, Past, Magnitogorsk, Memories, Sport, archive, People, Longpost
Magnitogorsk memories of the past, Malyutka. Hockey club Metallurg origins - Metallurgist, Hockey, Past, Magnitogorsk, Memories, Sport, archive, People, Longpost
Magnitogorsk memories of the past, Malyutka. Hockey club Metallurg origins - Metallurgist, Hockey, Past, Magnitogorsk, Memories, Sport, archive, People, Longpost
