The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, cat, No rating, In good hands, Animal Rescue, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Longpost
The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, cat, No rating, In good hands, Animal Rescue, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Longpost
The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, cat, No rating, In good hands, Animal Rescue, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Longpost
The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, cat, No rating, In good hands, Animal Rescue, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Longpost
The girl's kittens are looking for their home. Rescued from the street. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, cat, No rating, In good hands, Animal Rescue, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Longpost
