September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks

September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks - My, Politics, Poland, The Second World War, Joseph Brodsky, Video, Longpost
September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks - My, Politics, Poland, The Second World War, Joseph Brodsky, Video, Longpost
September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks - My, Politics, Poland, The Second World War, Joseph Brodsky, Video, Longpost
September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks - My, Politics, Poland, The Second World War, Joseph Brodsky, Video, Longpost
September 1, 1939. Attack of the Polish Lancers on German tanks - My, Politics, Poland, The Second World War, Joseph Brodsky, Video, Longpost
