50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole

50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
50 shades of blue. How Sverdlovsk schoolchildren conquered the North Pole - My, Arctic, The photo, North, Icebreaker, Travels, Longpost
