Who weaves braids in the stable? Many hundreds of years in a row ... And what does a stinky goat have to do with it?

Who weaves braids in the stable? Many hundreds of years in a row ... And what does a stinky goat have to do with it? - Village, Сельское хозяйство, Longpost, Animals, Weasel, Goat, Firefighters, Horses, My
Who weaves braids in the stable? Many hundreds of years in a row ... And what does a stinky goat have to do with it? - Village, Сельское хозяйство, Longpost, Animals, Weasel, Goat, Firefighters, Horses, My
Who weaves braids in the stable? Many hundreds of years in a row ... And what does a stinky goat have to do with it? - Village, Сельское хозяйство, Longpost, Animals, Weasel, Goat, Firefighters, Horses, My
