The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru

The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru - Longpost, Mesoamerica, Peru, South America, Archeology, Story
The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru - Longpost, Mesoamerica, Peru, South America, Archeology, Story
The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru - Longpost, Mesoamerica, Peru, South America, Archeology, Story
The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru - Longpost, Mesoamerica, Peru, South America, Archeology, Story
The largest sacrifice in the New World: the remains of hundreds of children and animals with a torn out heart were found in Peru - Longpost, Mesoamerica, Peru, South America, Archeology, Story
