"Cheburnet?": The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet

Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
Cheburnet?: The reaction of social networks to the bill on the creation of an autonomous Runet - Society, Politics, Russia, Internet, State Duma, Cheburnet, Social networks, Rosbalt, Longpost
