Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov

Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov - The photo, beauty, Russia, Shop, Production, Norilsk, Factory, Longpost
Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov - The photo, beauty, Russia, Shop, Production, Norilsk, Factory, Longpost
Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov - The photo, beauty, Russia, Shop, Production, Norilsk, Factory, Longpost
Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov - The photo, beauty, Russia, Shop, Production, Norilsk, Factory, Longpost
Hot photos of the smelter of the Copper Plant. Converter branch in Norilsk. Photo: @makhorov - The photo, beauty, Russia, Shop, Production, Norilsk, Factory, Longpost
