Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro?

Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
Why were stations with platform doors built in the Leningrad Metro? - Metro, Saint Petersburg, Copy-paste, Longpost
