In Chelyabinsk, an unemployed clown rides an old "Gazelle" around the city for free amuses children

In Chelyabinsk, an unemployed clown rides an old Gazelle around the city for free amuses children - Longpost, Video, Circus, Artist, Chelyabinsk, Clown
In Chelyabinsk, an unemployed clown rides an old Gazelle around the city for free amuses children - Longpost, Video, Circus, Artist, Chelyabinsk, Clown
In Chelyabinsk, an unemployed clown rides an old Gazelle around the city for free amuses children - Longpost, Video, Circus, Artist, Chelyabinsk, Clown
In Chelyabinsk, an unemployed clown rides an old Gazelle around the city for free amuses children - Longpost, Video, Circus, Artist, Chelyabinsk, Clown
