Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today

Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
Why pioneer leaders carried cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly with them, and how it is useful today - Hike, Sortie, Life hack, Longpost
