Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head.

Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
Aviapark shopping center, a nut fell from the Panda Park children's center, half a meter from the head. - My, Fleet, Negligence, Rospotrebnadzor, Проверка, League of Lawyers, Help, Publicity, Longpost
