Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer

Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
Stars of the Soviet underground and pop scene in the pictures of a Russian photographer - 80-е, The photo, Images, Celebrities, the USSR, Sergey Borisov, Photographer, Longpost
