470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar.

470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
470 people raised ?1 million and bought the bar. - Bar, Locals, Longpost, Positive, Story, Story, Good league, Help
