Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle.

Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
Two of my pets are paralyzed from the waist down - black cat Damon and fluffy cat Isabelle. - My, Pets, Story, Life stories, cat, Blog, Serials, Longpost
