From the category "It was - it became"

From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
From the category It was - it became - My, Dog, It Was-It Was, Pets, Longpost
