Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces

Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
Shorts as an element of field clothing in the Rhodesian Armed Forces - Army, A uniform, War in Southern Rhodesia, Longpost
