Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry

Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
Israeli artist draws on her photos. Part 2. A little strawberry - NSFW, Not mine, The photo, Drawing, Longpost
