In social networks, the action "my president" is gaining popularity [#mypresident]

In social networks, the action my president is gaining popularity [#mypresident] - Politics, Events, Society, Social networks, , Vladimir Putin, Stock, Channel Five, Video, Longpost
In social networks, the action my president is gaining popularity [#mypresident] - Politics, Events, Society, Social networks, , Vladimir Putin, Stock, Channel Five, Video, Longpost
In social networks, the action my president is gaining popularity [#mypresident] - Politics, Events, Society, Social networks, , Vladimir Putin, Stock, Channel Five, Video, Longpost
In social networks, the action my president is gaining popularity [#mypresident] - Politics, Events, Society, Social networks, , Vladimir Putin, Stock, Channel Five, Video, Longpost
In social networks, the action my president is gaining popularity [#mypresident] - Politics, Events, Society, Social networks, , Vladimir Putin, Stock, Channel Five, Video, Longpost
