When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row

When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
When you realize that you didn't notice it for 25 years in a row - Friends, , Serials, Longpost
