Opening of the winter season 2016-2017 Chernoyarsk backwater.

Opening of the winter season 2016-2017 Chernoyarsk backwater. - My, Fishing, Ice, , Pavlodar, Perch, Chebak, Video, Longpost
Opening of the winter season 2016-2017 Chernoyarsk backwater. - My, Fishing, Ice, , Pavlodar, Perch, Chebak, Video, Longpost
Opening of the winter season 2016-2017 Chernoyarsk backwater. - My, Fishing, Ice, , Pavlodar, Perch, Chebak, Video, Longpost
Opening of the winter season 2016-2017 Chernoyarsk backwater. - My, Fishing, Ice, , Pavlodar, Perch, Chebak, Video, Longpost
