Response to the post "Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building"

Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
Response to the post Special forces in Tbilisi completely pushed protesters away from the parliament building - Politics, Georgia, Protest actions, Negative, Tbilisi, Longpost, Reply to post, Protests in Georgia
