[warning: lots of anal jokes] Does turning an energy drink into ice cream reduce the effects of the caffeine in the drink?

[warning: lots of anal jokes] Does turning an energy drink into ice cream reduce the effects of the caffeine in the drink? - My, Reddit, Reddit (link), Mat, Longpost, Anus cooler, Anal sex, Energy, Ice cream, Chocolate ice cream
[warning: lots of anal jokes] Does turning an energy drink into ice cream reduce the effects of the caffeine in the drink? - My, Reddit, Reddit (link), Mat, Longpost, Anus cooler, Anal sex, Energy, Ice cream, Chocolate ice cream
[warning: lots of anal jokes] Does turning an energy drink into ice cream reduce the effects of the caffeine in the drink? - My, Reddit, Reddit (link), Mat, Longpost, Anus cooler, Anal sex, Energy, Ice cream, Chocolate ice cream
