A new bike, and the price is 7k rubles lower. What's the secret? Didn't fit. But I couldn’t return it to the store. Saint Petersburg

A new bike, and the price is 7k rubles lower. What's the secret? Didn't fit. But I couldn’t return it to the store. Saint Petersburg - My, A bike, Cyclist, Cycling, Freebie, Sale, Problem, Help, Longpost
A new bike, and the price is 7k rubles lower. What's the secret? Didn't fit. But I couldn’t return it to the store. Saint Petersburg - My, A bike, Cyclist, Cycling, Freebie, Sale, Problem, Help, Longpost
A new bike, and the price is 7k rubles lower. What's the secret? Didn't fit. But I couldn’t return it to the store. Saint Petersburg - My, A bike, Cyclist, Cycling, Freebie, Sale, Problem, Help, Longpost
