Need help choosing a video editor and some photos from a motorcycle adventure in the Altai Republic

Need help choosing a video editor and some photos from a motorcycle adventure in the Altai Republic - My, Need advice, Sound, Installation, Question, Ask Peekaboo, Enduro, Manas, Altai Republic, Longpost
Need help choosing a video editor and some photos from a motorcycle adventure in the Altai Republic - My, Need advice, Sound, Installation, Question, Ask Peekaboo, Enduro, Manas, Altai Republic, Longpost
Need help choosing a video editor and some photos from a motorcycle adventure in the Altai Republic - My, Need advice, Sound, Installation, Question, Ask Peekaboo, Enduro, Manas, Altai Republic, Longpost
Need help choosing a video editor and some photos from a motorcycle adventure in the Altai Republic - My, Need advice, Sound, Installation, Question, Ask Peekaboo, Enduro, Manas, Altai Republic, Longpost
