I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal

I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
I found the ingots and when I sawed them, I saw that they were made of yellow metal - My, Find, Search, Abandoned, Longpost
