Continuation of the post "Is it necessary to write about the men's chastity belt?"

Continuation of the post Is it necessary to write about the men's chastity belt? - NSFW, My, Survey, Sex Toys, Chastity belt, Sex, Domination, Reply to post, Penis, Longpost, Text, Mat
Continuation of the post Is it necessary to write about the men's chastity belt? - NSFW, My, Survey, Sex Toys, Chastity belt, Sex, Domination, Reply to post, Penis, Longpost, Text, Mat
Continuation of the post Is it necessary to write about the men's chastity belt? - NSFW, My, Survey, Sex Toys, Chastity belt, Sex, Domination, Reply to post, Penis, Longpost, Text, Mat
Continuation of the post Is it necessary to write about the men's chastity belt? - NSFW, My, Survey, Sex Toys, Chastity belt, Sex, Domination, Reply to post, Penis, Longpost, Text, Mat
