More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark?

More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
More than 7 million species of animals live on Earth. How could they all fit on Noah's Ark? - My, History (science), Ancient history, Bible, Myths, Longpost, global flood, Noah's ark, Religion
