Anomaly on the Yandex weather precipitation map on May 9 before the parade on Red Square at 8:40 Moscow time

Anomaly on the Yandex weather precipitation map on May 9 before the parade on Red Square at 8:40 Moscow time - My, Weather, Precipitation, Anomaly, Moscow, Vladimir city, May 9 - Victory Day, Yandex Weather, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Anomaly on the Yandex weather precipitation map on May 9 before the parade on Red Square at 8:40 Moscow time - My, Weather, Precipitation, Anomaly, Moscow, Vladimir city, May 9 - Victory Day, Yandex Weather, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Anomaly on the Yandex weather precipitation map on May 9 before the parade on Red Square at 8:40 Moscow time - My, Weather, Precipitation, Anomaly, Moscow, Vladimir city, May 9 - Victory Day, Yandex Weather, Video, Youtube, Longpost
