Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel

Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel - Military history, Historical figures, Longpost, It's hard to be god
Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel - Military history, Historical figures, Longpost, It's hard to be god
Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel - Military history, Historical figures, Longpost, It's hard to be god
Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel - Military history, Historical figures, Longpost, It's hard to be god
Historical figure who could be the prototype of Don Reba from the Strugatsky novel - Military history, Historical figures, Longpost, It's hard to be god
