Continuation of the post “How MegaMarket stole more than half a million rubles from me”

Continuation of the post “How MegaMarket stole more than half a million rubles from me” - Negative, Support service, A complaint, Fraud, Megamarket, Longpost, No rating, Reply to post, Screenshot, Comments on Peekaboo
Continuation of the post “How MegaMarket stole more than half a million rubles from me” - Negative, Support service, A complaint, Fraud, Megamarket, Longpost, No rating, Reply to post, Screenshot, Comments on Peekaboo
Continuation of the post “How MegaMarket stole more than half a million rubles from me” - Negative, Support service, A complaint, Fraud, Megamarket, Longpost, No rating, Reply to post, Screenshot, Comments on Peekaboo
Continuation of the post “How MegaMarket stole more than half a million rubles from me” - Negative, Support service, A complaint, Fraud, Megamarket, Longpost, No rating, Reply to post, Screenshot, Comments on Peekaboo
