Near Orenburg, residents of the village independently built a dam, which saved their houses from flooding

Near Orenburg, residents of the village independently built a dam, which saved their houses from flooding - Kindness, People, People, Orenburg, Потоп, Dam, Russia, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Yandex Zen (link), YouTube (link)
Near Orenburg, residents of the village independently built a dam, which saved their houses from flooding - Kindness, People, People, Orenburg, Потоп, Dam, Russia, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Yandex Zen (link), YouTube (link)
Near Orenburg, residents of the village independently built a dam, which saved their houses from flooding - Kindness, People, People, Orenburg, Потоп, Dam, Russia, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Yandex Zen (link), YouTube (link)
Near Orenburg, residents of the village independently built a dam, which saved their houses from flooding - Kindness, People, People, Orenburg, Потоп, Dam, Russia, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Yandex Zen (link), YouTube (link)
