Complaint from the category “the driver stopped when he saw a red traffic light”

Complaint from the category “the driver stopped when he saw a red traffic light” - My, Yandex Taxi, Support service, Correspondence, A complaint, Пассажиры, Idiocy, Emotions, Indignation, Longpost, Negative
Complaint from the category “the driver stopped when he saw a red traffic light” - My, Yandex Taxi, Support service, Correspondence, A complaint, Пассажиры, Idiocy, Emotions, Indignation, Longpost, Negative
Complaint from the category “the driver stopped when he saw a red traffic light” - My, Yandex Taxi, Support service, Correspondence, A complaint, Пассажиры, Idiocy, Emotions, Indignation, Longpost, Negative
