Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book "Journey to the West"

Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book Journey to the West - China, Mythology, Sun Wukong, Monkey King, Journey to the West, Sun wukong, Novella, Longpost
Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book Journey to the West - China, Mythology, Sun Wukong, Monkey King, Journey to the West, Sun wukong, Novella, Longpost
Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book Journey to the West - China, Mythology, Sun Wukong, Monkey King, Journey to the West, Sun wukong, Novella, Longpost
Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book Journey to the West - China, Mythology, Sun Wukong, Monkey King, Journey to the West, Sun wukong, Novella, Longpost
Several pieces of art illustrating the events of the beginning of the book Journey to the West - China, Mythology, Sun Wukong, Monkey King, Journey to the West, Sun wukong, Novella, Longpost
