The series “Dark City: Cleaner” is a cleaner at a police station by day, and a serial killer by night. Thriller from New Zealand with dark humor

The series “Dark City: Cleaner” is a cleaner at a police station by day, and a serial killer by night. Thriller from New Zealand with dark humor - My, Serials, Foreign serials, I advise you to look, Thriller, Screen adaptation, Review, Crime, Overview, Trailer, Russian trailer, Miniseries, New Zealand, Maniac, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series “Dark City: Cleaner” is a cleaner at a police station by day, and a serial killer by night. Thriller from New Zealand with dark humor - My, Serials, Foreign serials, I advise you to look, Thriller, Screen adaptation, Review, Crime, Overview, Trailer, Russian trailer, Miniseries, New Zealand, Maniac, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series “Dark City: Cleaner” is a cleaner at a police station by day, and a serial killer by night. Thriller from New Zealand with dark humor - My, Serials, Foreign serials, I advise you to look, Thriller, Screen adaptation, Review, Crime, Overview, Trailer, Russian trailer, Miniseries, New Zealand, Maniac, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series “Dark City: Cleaner” is a cleaner at a police station by day, and a serial killer by night. Thriller from New Zealand with dark humor - My, Serials, Foreign serials, I advise you to look, Thriller, Screen adaptation, Review, Crime, Overview, Trailer, Russian trailer, Miniseries, New Zealand, Maniac, Video, Youtube, Longpost
