Reply to the post “Russian Aerospace Forces dealt a large-scale blow to energy facilities in Ukraine”

Reply to the post “Russian Aerospace Forces dealt a large-scale blow to energy facilities in Ukraine” - Politics, news, Media and press, Military, Lenin, Decommunization, Dneproges, Reply to post, Longpost, Picture with text
Reply to the post “Russian Aerospace Forces dealt a large-scale blow to energy facilities in Ukraine” - Politics, news, Media and press, Military, Lenin, Decommunization, Dneproges, Reply to post, Longpost, Picture with text
Reply to the post “Russian Aerospace Forces dealt a large-scale blow to energy facilities in Ukraine” - Politics, news, Media and press, Military, Lenin, Decommunization, Dneproges, Reply to post, Longpost, Picture with text
Reply to the post “Russian Aerospace Forces dealt a large-scale blow to energy facilities in Ukraine” - Politics, news, Media and press, Military, Lenin, Decommunization, Dneproges, Reply to post, Longpost, Picture with text
