Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor

Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
Help me to understand! Canon 5DM4 sensor - My, Help, teach, The photo, Camera, What's this?, Camera raw, Raw, Education, Longpost
