Corruption, inaction of trade unions and regulatory bodies, pursuit of money. Why do people die in mines?

Corruption, inaction of trade unions and regulatory bodies, pursuit of money. Why do people die in mines? - My, Negative, news, Officials, Crossposting, Labor Relations, Miners, Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Rostekhnadzor, Corruption, Lawlessness, Longpost
Corruption, inaction of trade unions and regulatory bodies, pursuit of money. Why do people die in mines? - My, Negative, news, Officials, Crossposting, Labor Relations, Miners, Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Rostekhnadzor, Corruption, Lawlessness, Longpost
Corruption, inaction of trade unions and regulatory bodies, pursuit of money. Why do people die in mines? - My, Negative, news, Officials, Crossposting, Labor Relations, Miners, Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Rostekhnadzor, Corruption, Lawlessness, Longpost
