We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track

We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
We made a 1.8 km tunnel through the mountains. A railway tunnel was opened at 6.6 km. Making BAM double-track - news, Sdelanounas ru, Russia, Bam, Railway, Tunnel, Building, Video, Video VK, Youtube, Longpost, VKontakte (link), Cards
