Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant”

Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant” - Russia, Insurrection, Soviet, October Revolution, Politics, Saint Petersburg, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant” - Russia, Insurrection, Soviet, October Revolution, Politics, Saint Petersburg, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant” - Russia, Insurrection, Soviet, October Revolution, Politics, Saint Petersburg, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant” - Russia, Insurrection, Soviet, October Revolution, Politics, Saint Petersburg, Reply to post, Longpost
Reply to the post “106 years ago, on January 29, 1918, the January Uprising began in Kyiv, an uprising of workers at the Arsenal plant” - Russia, Insurrection, Soviet, October Revolution, Politics, Saint Petersburg, Reply to post, Longpost
