Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians

Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
Experiment: How to use ice to return the sidewalk to pedestrians - My, Autoham, Parking, Sidewalk, Urbanism, Experiment, Video, Video VK, Longpost
